Reply To: Demonstrator Updates

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Ingela Oleskog

We have a new version of the SWICCA Demonstrator! News in this version:
•An option for selection of resolution under “Graphs and Download”. Hopefully it will now be more clear what indicators we have for different resolutions.
•The downloaded excel file from EHYPE catchments will contain both coordinates and subID.
•Smaller improvements in the graphs and downloaded files for landuse and dry spell
•The metadata descriptions for all indicators in the 0.5 grid have been updated

The data provides are working on data on a higher resolution. According to the plan all indicators that we now have on the 0,5 grid resolution will be delivered on Hype catchment resolution by the end of June. This delivery will also include the water quality indicators.

The data providers are also working on Lisflood data on 5 km resolution for the following indicators: River flow, flow duration curve and flood recurrence. This work is taking a bit longer than expected, so I´m not sure if this will be delivered in June.

I´ll let you know when the next version of the SWICCA Demonstrator with the high resolution indicators is up and running!