Adding information to our study cases

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    Maria J. Polo

    We think that updating the info and also format about each study case is a really good idea, thank you for the template!

    I was thinking about adding a second-level flow chart connecting with more detail the Pan-European data to the local indicators finally pursued in the study case, focusing on the intermediate steps related to tools needed (other aspects could be significant scale issues, and maybe a priori difficulties that can be found and may limit the results). This would be a secondary flow chart complementing the arrow flow chart proposed in the project’s presentation.

    I will try to produce some draft for our case before holidays (but don’t promise!).

    Ingela Oleskog

    I think a more detaild flow chart sounds like a very good idea! Great!


    It is convenient to update the information on the case studies, since the first document was very preliminar. Now, we can add more details after the first meeting that we had with the stakeholders.


    I agree with anmombe.

    Evangelos Romas

    An updateable case-study template seems promising to work, due to its simplicity.

    Lorna Little

    Yes, and this is part of working agile as well! The current template includes the information that is most important at this stage – when you have further updates or questions about how the information is displayed, let us know

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