Which way of interaction do you prefer and how often?

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  • #228
    Ingela Oleskog

    video conferences, social media and workshops

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Ingela Oleskog.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Ingela Oleskog.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by admin.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by admin.
    Maria J. Polo

    e-mail for regular communication/notifications
    Social media and forum for regular updating/contributions/discussion
    Videoconference/Skype for project development, once a month during this first stage, once every two months later on.
    Workshop, presential/virtual.

    Guenter Humer

    I am used to meail and Skype, but forum may be a good way, if I manage to get the discipline to look after the forum more or less regularily

    Anna Edman

    I prefer smaller subgroups, 3-4 purveyors relating to a common topic (like water quality) and communication via e-mail or Skype/Webex.

    Enno Nilson

    Not all media are accessible to us (Videoconference/Skype, …), mainly due to security reasons.
    Communication with our clients preferably goes via email and phone.

    Forums like this are perfect for project taskgroups. In SWICCA tasks could be drought, low flow, high flow, water quality, and data processing. What is missing (?) is the possiblility to include screenshots/pictures/graphs etc..


    We are used to email and teleconferences, but we do not visit the forum regularly.


    Video/Telephone conferences and workshop for general discussions. Specific questions can be communicated via email.

    Niclas Hjerdt

    Physical meetings are always best if possible, otherwise phone/online meetings will work. The meeting frequency probably needs to be higher at the beginning of the project in order to “frame the problem” together.


    Telephone conferences for small group discussions and work meetings. Email to send out information, google drive (or similar) for documents

    stefano GECOs

    I agree with Maria J. Polo


    I would use different ways of interaction:
    – Mails to inform about tasks to do, attaching the necessary files –> When necessary
    – Forums to discuss on different issues –> Regular (weekly?)
    – Skype meetings to agree on final versions of documents, tasks, milestones… and to wrap up forum discussions –> When necessary

    Evangelos Romas

    We consider e-mail as a good way to regular circulation of information, inquiries, etc.
    A forum is not something we would visit commonly but seems a good way for exchange of ideas. However, it should be linked with some kind of e-mail reminder (not necessarily everyday), so that it will not end up dormant.
    Skype meetings is a preferable way to discuss something important, when personal meetings are not possible.

    Lorna Little

    When you enter a reply to a forum topic, there is a small box underneath ‘Tags’ that you can select – Notify me of follow up replies via email. If you select this box, everytime someone replies on the topic/thread, then you will get an email notification that someone else has commented.

    Am looking into how to add screenshots etc! Currently you can only add images using an URL…


    I agree with Niclas Hjerdt

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