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Today we received a new version of the SWICCA Demonstrator: http://swicca.climate.copernicus.eu/
Unfortunately, in this version we got a cache problem. If the map-view and the graphs doesn´t show properly you need to clear your browser cache!
I´m really sorry for this, but after we noticed this problem we have done an action so this should not happen again.
News in this version:
•Some of the indicators are given for Lisflood resolution (5km grid): wetness 1, wetness 2, flow duration curve, flood recurrence, precipitation and river flow
•Some bug fixes:
-problems with downloading indicators for Hype catchments resolution
-better scaling of the y-axis for very small values
-flow duration curve wasn´t shown for the reference period
-corrected values for the ECV unregulated river flow and a metadata description
Right now we are working on:
•Metadata descriptions for Lisflood data
•Updating metadata descriptions for socioeconomic indicators
•Pop up windows for “How to read the graph” for all different types of graphs
•Two new indicators: Aridity 1 (Epot/P) and Aridty 2 (Eact/P)
•Confidence in pictures for Hype Catchments
During autumn:
•As you download data you will also get a link to the metadata description of selected indicator
•Better naming of the downloaded files