Reply To: Demonstrator Updates

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Ingela Oleskog

We have a new version of the SWICCA Demonstrator:

News in this version:
•As you download data, the first tab contains information about indicator name, resolution of the data, date and time for downloading and a link to the metadata description of selected indicator
•Better naming of the downloaded files
•Indicators for Aridity 1 and 2 also for Lisflood resolution
•Metadata descriptions now available for all Lisflood data
•Some bug fixes (e.g. problems with truncated data in future periods for Wetness 1 and Wetness 2)

Tasks that will be released in beginning of 2017:
•Updating metadata descriptions for socioeconomic indicators
•Updating Pop up windows for “How to read the graph” for all different types of graphs
•Confidence in pictures for indicators with resolution Hype Catchment and Lisflood
•Robustness of change for Indicators in Lisflood resolution (when possible, not all indicators have enough members to calculate RoC)
•Possibility to change the height of the graph
•Possibility to download indicators by typing in coordinates
•Daily values for River flow and Precipitation in Lisflood resolution